Nationwide Express is proud to partner with the Bedford County Fire Department to donate their grounds and allow for the Fire Department to do practice in Rural Water Supply and Pumper Hydraulics training. Below is a quote from Eddie Burris who is Lieutenant with the Bedford County Fire Department.
“I personally want to give a big thank you to David Coffey, Mike Coffey and Charlie Coffey of Nationwide Express for allowing Bedford County Fire Department to use their parking lot for 4 days to train. As busy as their business is, they rearranged their day-to-day operations to accommodate us. If they have a service that you could use, give them a call. Our assistant Chief Brian-Menza Cantrell coordinated this with some great business owners, as well as with some highly knowledgeable instructors from the Tennessee Fire Service & Codes. Andy Soccodato and Bob Decker taught us how to get the maximum amount of water flow even if we don’t have the proper hydrants in the county. I will say these instructors made us think outside of the box. So thanks to all the people that had a part in this and who are always investing into the Fire Department. Without them, we couldn’t better ourselves. The Water Thieves LLC”‘
Eddie Burris
Bedford County Fire Lieutenant
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